Worship Service Aug 6
10th Sunday after Pentecost / Ordinary Time
Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory.
Call to Worship
Response to Call: I Stand Amazed In the Presence 371 all
Welcome and Service Overview
Worship Moment
Prayer of Illumination
Responsive Reading: Canticle of Christ’s Obedience 167
Apostles Creed: hymnal #881
Gloria Patri – hymnal #71
Offering Dedication and Offertory
Doxology – hymnal #95
Announcements – Life of the Church
Centering Hymn: Sweet Hour of Prayer 496 all
Pastor Prayer
Scripture: Romans 9:1-5
Sermon: The Agony of Love
Service of Holy Communion:
Preparation Song: This Is This Place
Commissioning and Benediction
Pastor: And now with the confidence of God’s people let us pray the prayer Christ gave us (The Lord’s Prayer)
Pastor: We break this bread and drink of the cup to share in the body and blood of Christ. God’s holy gifts for God’s holy people.
Though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in the body of Christ. The cup over which we give thanks is a sharing in the blood of Christ
Pastor: All is made ready. You are invited to come
Announcements – Life of the Church
ABCCM FOOD DONATIONS: Donation Basket at Front Door. We dedicate our gifts on Communion Sundays.
Medical Lending Closet Flyers are available to distribute to friends and places that will post them.
Prayer Ministries: Prayer Shawls are available to dedicate and give to people who need to be wrapped in prayer. The daily prayer chain goes out after 8pm in the evenings. Please send requests to prayer@alexanderchapel.org. Questions? Contact Pastor Marjory.
The next Ladies Loving the Lord meeting will be August 17, 11:30 at The Twisted Laurel. All ladies are invited!
Fellowship 4U – . Bring your lunch or snack and visit with one another on the 4th Sundays of the month.
We’re invited to the Christ Church connectional ministry picnic on Aug 13th, 5pm at Lake Louise. Hot dogs, hamburgers, plates, cups, and plastic wear are provided. Bring a dish to share and a chair.
Mark your calendars for our Annual Homecoming. It will be on Sunday, August 27th. Theme: Living the Story – Past, Present, and Future. Our District Superintendent, Mark Ralls, will preach the message. Special Music. Pictures. Fellowship lunch afterwards. Please be invitational!