Worship Service August 25, 2024

Homecoming 2024 Lunch on the Grounds

Order of Service

Gathering-Lighting the Christ Candle                           

Call to Worship                                                                             Phillip Hawkins/All

Disciples of Christ, why have you gathered today?
To worship God, who lives among us.

God lives among us all the time, so why have you gathered today?
To remind one another that God lives among us as we worship.

When you scatter from this place, what will you take with you?
Hearts open to recognize God living among us.

Then, come! Let us worship together!
We come to worship with rejoicing the Triune God who lives, loves, and    

     moves among us as we gather and as we are sent from this place! Amen.

                                                    ~ Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, May 2024.

Response to the Call:                    Come Thou Almighty King                     UMH 061

Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction                                  Phillip Hawkins/All

Life of the Church                                                         Phillip Hawkins (see bulletin)

Mission Moment

Opening Prayer                                                                           Rev. Cindy Lunsford

Hymn of Praise:                            Standing on the Promises                       UMH 374

Affirmation of Faith                The Apostles’ Creed   UMH 881          Sheri King/All

Gloria Patri                                                                                                      UMH 7  


Pastoral Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer                                    Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All

Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings                            Cynthia Black instrumental

              Dedication & Offertory                                                 Rev. Cindy Lunsford

             Doxology                                                                                   UMH 095 

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen

Centering Song:                                                                                     Steve Hawkins

                                             I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb


Prayer of Illumination                                                                              Gary Seiler

Gracious God, as we turn to your Word for us,
     may the Spirit of God rest upon us.
Help us to be steadfast in our hearing, in our speaking, in our believing,

     and in our living. Amen.

Psalm Reading                      Psalm 84          UMH 805                             Gina Elrod

Scripture                                        John 6:56-69                        Rev. Cindy Lunsford

Message/Scripture             Does Christ Offend You?              Rev. Warren Lunsford


Closing Hymn                         Wonderful Words of Life                             UMH 600

Benediction & Prayer Over Lunch                                       Rev. Warren Lunsford

Depart to Serve, caring for others, as we truly serve God

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