Worship Service February 02, 2025
Order of Service
Gathering-Lighting the Candles with Light of Christ Joyceline Huennekens
This is My Father’s World arr. Marilyn Reimer
Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction Rev. Cindy Lunsford /All
Call to Worship Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Jesus calls us to rise up and follow him.
Though the path be rough and the way be fraught with danger,
we will follow the Master.
Jesus says we are to speak the Truth, and the Truth will set us free.
Following the example of Jesus, we will not compromise the Truth
to please the crowd.
We come to worship and sing praises to Jesus,
the source of all Truth and Life. Amen
~ (written by H.Burnham Kirkland, Lectionary Worship Aids Cycle C, Series VI, p.45)
Response to the Call How Firm a Foundation UMH 529
Opening Prayer of Confession Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Ah, Lord God, we do not know how to speak words of hope,
because we listen to the purveyors of fear.
We do not know how to be loving because our role models are
ridicule and anger.
We do not know how to be faithful to you, because at an early age,
we learned to trust the promises of all the false prophets
who entice us with their simple thoughts.
But you know how to forgive, God of kindness,
so we pray you would pour out your mercy upon us.
May faith abide in us, so we may serve others even as you have served us;
may hope abide in us, so we may surround the broken
with your compassion and grace;
may love abide in us, not only in these moments of brokenness,
but in every moment of our life with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
who abides in us. Amen
Personal Silent Confession Moment
Assurance of Forgiveness Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
The good news is that, in our God, we find that safe place for our lives.
In God’s forgiveness, we are offered the healing we need.
In God’s acceptance, we discover the love in which we may abide
in every moment of our lives. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Life of the Church Rev. Cindy Lunsford (see bulletin)
Mission Moment –
Psalm Psalm 71:1-6 (UMH 794) Gina Elrod
Hymn This is My Father’s World UMH 144
Pastoral Prayer Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings Joyceline Huennekens, instrumental
Dedication & Offertory Rev. Warren Lunsford
Doxology UMH 095
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Centering Song Red Letters by David Crowder Anna Bradley
Prayer of Illumination Gary Seiler
Eternal God, your Spirit inspired those who wrote the Bible
and enlightens us to hear your Word fresh each day.
Help us to rely always on your promises in Scripture.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Scripture Luke 4:21-30 Rev. Warren Lunsford
Message Today! Rev. Warren Lunsford
Great Thanksgiving & Communion UMH 9-10 (Insert) Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Prayer After Communion:
Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery
in which you have given yourself to us.
Grant that we may go into the world
in the strength of your Spirit,
to give ourselves for others,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN
Closing Hymn Here I Am Lord UMH 593
Commissioning & Benediction Rev. Warren Lunsford
Depart to Serve, caring for others, as we truly serve God