Worship Service Jan 21
3rd Sunday after the Epiphany
Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory.
Gathering and Prelude
Call to Worship
Response to the Call: My Tribute 99
Welcome, Greeting, Service Overview
Prayer of Illumination
Responsive Reading: Psalm 62: 5-12 787
Apostles Creed: 881
Pastor Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Scripture: Mark 1:14-20
Sermon: RSVP: Answering the Call of Christ
Closing Hymn: Take My Life and Let It Be 399 all
Commissioning and Benediction
Life of the Church
ABCCM FOOD DONATIONS: Donation Basket at Front Door. We dedicate our gifts on Communion Sundays.
Medical Lending Closet Flyers are available to distribute to friends and places that will post them.
The daily prayer chain goes out after 8pm. Send requests to prayer@alexanderchapel.org. Prayer shawls are also available. Questions? Contact Pastor Marjory.
Fellowship 4 U resumes our 4th Sunday after church gathering on January 28th. Bring a light lunch and gather downstairs.
Ladies Loving the Lord: We will NOT have a gathering this month. See you in February!
Winter Weather: If conditions are unsafe for an in person worship service, we will hold a virtual service using the Livestream information above.