Worship Service January 26, 2025
If you are unable to join us in person, our livestream connection via Zoom in the worship service post begins around 10:45am. You will have time to greet worship participants online and in the church … think of it as a closed circuit connection. If you cannot attend live or you would like to experience it again, our service is recorded and is typically available around 3pm on Sundays via the YouTube link in the worship service post.
Livestream via Zoom connection information (opens in a new tab):
Or On PC, or other devices open the app zoom.us:
Meeting ID is 949 0936 7127, Passcode is 394347
For in person participants: If you have a fever or are not feeling well, please participate via the virtual options
Order of Service
Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction Rev. Warren Lunsford /All
*Call to Worship Rev. Warren Lunsford/All
God of unfailing love and faithfulness, we gather together to praise you!
We acknowledge that we are needy people!
How precious is God’s love to us!
God of light within our dark world, we gather to honor and revere you!
We acknowledge that we are often lost!
How reassuring is God’s light to us!
God of the fountain of grace, we gather to be nourished and blessed by you!
We acknowledge that we need cleansing!
Flow through us, God of steadfast love, to cleanse and restore us;
so that together, we may celebrate your love. Amen.
~ (written by Joan Stott, thetimelesspsalms.net)
Response to the Call Great is Thy Faithfulness UMH 140
Opening Prayer Rev. Warren Lunsford/All
O God, you have prepared for those who love you
such good things as surpass our understanding:
Pour into our hearts such love towards you,
that we, loving you in all things and above all things,
may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
~(Bosco Peters, https://www.liturgy.co.nz/reflection/627c.html)
Life of the Church Rev. Cindy Lunsford (see bulletin)
Mission Moment –
Affirmation of Faith Sheri King/All
From I Corinthians 15:1-6 and Colossians 1:15-20 UMH 888
Gloria Patri UMH 071
Psalm Psalm 36:5-10 (UMH 771) Gina Elrod
Hymn The Church’s One Foundation vss. 1, 2, 5 UMH 545
Pastoral Prayer Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings Steve Hawkins instrumental
Dedication & Offertory Rev. Warren Lunsford
Doxology UMH 095
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Centering Song Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Steve Hawkins
Prayer of Illumination Gary Seiler
God, we call ourselves Christians,
thinking we know and understand what that means.
We confess to being sometimes baffled.
Help us, we pray, to be open to the learnings you bring our way.
Help us, we pray, to be bigger and brighter
than we thought we could be. Amen
Scripture Isaiah 62:1-5 Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Message Bright Jewels Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Closing Hymn Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know UMH 163
Commissioning & Benediction Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Depart to Serve, caring for others, as we truly serve God