Worship Service Jun 16
4th Sunday after Pentecost / Father’s Day
Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory.
Gathering and Prelude
Call to Worship
Response to the Call: This is My Father’s World 144 all
Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction
Prayer of Illumination
Worship Moment
Hymn of Faith: Faith of Our Fathers 710 all
Responsive Reading: Psalm 77 798
Apostles Creed: 881
Gloria Patri: 71
Offering Dedication and Offertory
Doxology – hymnal #95
Life of the Church
Centering Music: Hymn of Promise 77 – As an Instrumental
Pastor Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Scripture: Mark 4: 26-34
Sermon: The Kingdom of God Is Like …
Hymn of Response: Jesus Calls Us 398 all
Commissioning and Benediction
Life of the Church
ABCCM FOOD DONATIONS: Donation Basket at Front Door. We dedicate our gifts on Communion Sundays.
The daily prayer chain goes out after 8pm. Send requests to prayer@alexanderchapel.org. Prayer shawls are also available.
Ladies Loving the Lord: The Christmas in June Summer Celebration is at the Hamburg Crossing Clubhouse (Reems Creek Rd) on June 22 at 12pm.
- Bring wrapped children’s snacks for our mission to ABCCM North
- Bring finger food to share
- Bring a white elephant gift for the party!
Pastor Transition: Please be in prayer! Dates:
- June 23: Pastor Marjory will be in person and preach!
- June 30: Pastors Ray and Marjory retire. Kent Smith preaching and special acts of worship. Celebration Social following: Church is providing drinks, deli tray, and cake. You may bring a side to share.
- July 1: Pastors Warren and Cindy Lunsford begin
- July 7: Hank Jackson will be preaching.
- July 14: Pastors Warren and Cindy’s first Sunday.
- There will be a special charge conference to set their compensation, tentatively set for Jun 24 at 6:30..