Worship Service Jun 30


Gathering and Prelude

Call to Worship 

Response to the Call: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 133 all

Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction

Prayer of Illumination

Song of Faith: I’m Determined

Responsive Reading: Psalm 98  818

Apostles Creed: 881  

Gloria Patri: 71

Offering Dedication and Offertory 

Doxology – hymnal #95 

Life of the Church

Worship Moment:  21 Years

Centering Song: When It’s All Been Said and Done

Pastor Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Scripture: Philippians 1:3-10


Blessing and Farewell Inside bulletin

Hymn of Response: Bless Be the Tie 557

Blessings for Lunch

Commissioning and Benediction

Blessing and Farewell

Pastor’s Gift To the Church 

Blessing and Sending Forth of the Pastors

  • Leadership expresses thanks for the pastors’ ministries
  • Pastor Response:

We thank you, members and friends of Alexander Chapel United Methodist Church, for the love and support you have shown us as your pastors and for the ways you have accepted our leadership. We will carry with us many things you have taught us. We are also aware of our mistakes—tasks left undone, pastoral calls not made, decisions we insisted on making when we should have let you make them, and decisions we put off making when we should have made them. And so, we also ask for your forgiveness.

  • Congregation Response:

Ray and Marjory, we are grateful for the many blessings you have given us. Your influence on our faith and our faithfulness will not leave us with your departure. We, too, have made mistakes, and we ask for your forgiveness, as we offer you ours. We accept that you are now retiring to minister elsewhere, and we release you for your new season of ministry.

  • Pastors:

Brothers and sisters, we receive your gratitude and forgiveness, and we offer you ours, trusting that our time together and our parting are pleasing to God. We release you from turning to us and depending upon us, and we place you in the care of your new pastors.

We will pray for them and for you in your continuing ministry here.

  • Congregational Blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace,

as you continue to minister in the places where you are sent. Amen.

  • Gather in a circle, joining hands
  • Bless Be the Tie 557 v1 2x a capella
  • Blessing for Lunch
  • Benediction

As we close our 21 years of pastoral ministry today, we are grateful to have served Alexander Chapel and Clark’s Chapel. What a blessing it has been! Ray & Marjory. ❤️🙏

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