Worship Service Nov 19
25th Sunday after Pentecost / Ordinary Time
Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory.
The worship service recording is from the Zoom recording.
Gathering and Prelude
Call to Worship
Response to the Call: We Gather Together 131 all
Welcome, Greeting, Life of the Church
Prayer of Illumination
Hymn of Faith: This Is My Father’s World 144 all
Responsive Reading: Psalm 100 821
Apostles Creed: hymnal #881
Gloria Patri – hymnal #71
Offering Dedication and Offertory
Doxology – hymnal #95
Centering Song: This Is The Time I Must Sing
Prayers of the People
Scripture: Psalm 23
Sermon: A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Closing Hymn: Come Ye Thankful People Come 694
Commissioning and Benediction
Prayers of the People
Leader: Come, let us sing to the Lord our God; let us cry out to the Rock of our salvation.
People: We pray in joy and with deep thanksgiving. We praise you, Lord, and offer you our thanks; for you are our God, and we are your people.
Leader: Ever faithful Lord, Ever giving Son, Ever present Spirit, for the many gifts you grant us and the opportunity to enjoy these things, We give thanks.
People: For your daily provision and for the constant signs of your healing love; for the hope amidst despair and the light which always shines; for all these things, ‘thank you’ is just so inadequate but it’s all we have to show our gratitude in word, in thought and in action.
Leader: So thank you, Lord and may our thanks move beyond words to transform us into thankful people, faithful people, a seeing people. We recognize that we are sinners saved by grace. Forgive as we confess our sin, repent and seek your mercy,
People: Hear our prayer and forgive. Lead us to be people who see needs and see the need to act, people who love to live and live to love, people who serve you by serving others.
Leader: Loving Father, we bring before you those people and issues that are closest to us. Hear our prayer for those who are grieving, sick, lonely and all who have requested the prayers of the church. Bring your healing and restoration.
People: We bring before you people and issues from around our world. For those who are persecuted for their faith keep them strong and faithful as you give them your peace. Be with all who put themselves in harm’s way for our safety and wellbeing. And bring restoration and hope to those ravished by war, storm and disasters.
Leader: We pray for America and our leaders at every level of government. Lead them to seek and follow your ways.
People: Forgive our nation from turning away from you and send revival to our land.
Leader: We pray for your church universal. Guide and empower your truth throughout the world. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
People: Hear our prayers for Alexander Chapel. We ask for your continued provision and guidance. Make us good stewards of all you have entrusted to our care. Guide our leaders and move in them to seek your vision as they lead us to carry out your mission. Be with Pastor Ray and Marjory. Grant them your strength and healing as they lead us.
Leader: We give thanks for Pastor Hank being with us today. Refresh him anew with your Holy Spirit Power as he brings the message today. Center us to fully focus and take to heart your Word for us today. May we be transformed to the glory of the kingdom. We make our prayer in the name of Christ our Savior who gave the disciples an example for prayer when he prayed . . .
All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen
Life of the Church
ABCCM FOOD DONATIONS: Donation Basket at Front Door. We dedicate our gifts on Communion Sundays.
We welcome Hank Jackson as he brings today’s message. Pastors Marjory and Ray are on vacation until Saturday. Please contact us for any emergencies. We will operate the prayer chain as normal.
The daily prayer chain goes out after 8pm. Send requests to prayer@alexanderchapel.org. Prayer shawls are also available.
The Ladies Loving the Lord Christmas Birthday Party for Jesus will be at Clark’s Chapel on Saturday, Dec 2nd, 11am.
Fellowship 4U – . Bring your lunch and visit with one another on the 4th Sundays of the month. Next gathering is Nov 26.
Weaverville’s Community Thanksgiving Service is TONIGHT, 6pm at the Presbyterian Church.
Thanksgiving – Christmas Activities and Worship:
Nov 19 – Weaverville Community Thanksgiving Service
Dec 2 – Ladies Loving the Lord Birthday Party for Jesus
Dec 3 – Hanging of the Greens Worship Service
Dec 10 – Christmas Social
Dec 17 – Candlelight Service 6pm
Dec 24 – Christmas Eve Regular Morning Worship Service, NO evening service, but we’ll list sister church services you can attend