Worship Service Nov 26

26th Sunday after Pentecost / Ordinary Time — Christ the King Sunday

Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory.


Gathering and Prelude

Call to Worship 

Response to the Call: Crown Him With Many Crowns  327 

Welcome, Greeting, Service Overview

Prayer of Illumination

Worship Moment

Hymn of Faith: How Great Thou Art  77 all

Responsive Reading: Psalm 93  813

Apostles Creed: hymnal #881 

Gloria Patri – hymnal #71 

Offering Dedication and Offertory 

Doxology – hymnal #95 

Life of the Church 

Centering Music: Instrumental

Pastor Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

Sermon: Living for the King

Closing Hymn: Jesus Shall Reign  157  1,2,5

Commissioning and Benediction

Life of the Church 

ABCCM FOOD DONATIONS: Donation Basket at  Front Door. We dedicate our gifts on Communion Sundays.

Medical Lending Closet Flyers are available to distribute to friends and places that will post them. 

The daily prayer chain goes out after 8pm. Send requests to prayer@alexanderchapel.org. Prayer shawls are also available. Questions? Contact Pastor Marjory.

The Ladies Loving the Lord Christmas Birthday Party for Jesus will be at Clark’s Chapel on Saturday, Dec 2nd, 11am. RSVP to Marjory by Tuesday evening or Sheri today..

Christmas Activities and Worship:

Note: All activities have a website event listing with more info!

Dec 2 – Ladies Loving the Lord Birthday Party for Jesus

Dec 3 – Hanging of the Greens Worship Service

Dec 10 – Christmas Social

Dec 17 – Candlelight Service 6pm

Dec 24 – Christmas Eve Regular Morning Worship Service, NO evening service, but we’ll list sister church services you can attend

Winter Weather: If conditions are unsafe for an in person worship service, we will hold a virtual service using the Livestream information above.

There are currently no events.