Worship Service November 10, 2024

Order of Service

Call to Worship                                                                   Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All

Praise the LORD, all you nations!
Extol him, all you peoples!

For great is his steadfast love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.

Praise the LORD! 
We praise the Lord in the name of Jesus ChristAmen

Response to the Call               I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord                            UMH 540

Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction                          Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All

Life of the Church                                                  Rev. Cindy Lunsford(see bulletin)

Mission Moment (prayer over winter coats collected)

 Opening Prayer                                                                  Rev. Warren Lunsford/All                                                           

God of all seasons, God of all time, God of all words, we come.
We come as we are:
     out of time, out of sorts, out of reason,

         yet seeking time to be, reasons to be

     and most of all to be calm in Your presence,
         ready to listen, and know, and follow and obey.

Holy God, You gave us guidance.
    In all of history Your guidance has been there:
        muddled and devalued by words like command and order,
            when what You seek of us is desire, love, compassion, hope.
Forgive us when our lives are full of commandments and rules
    and bereft of compassion and love.
Forgive us when the word becomes more than the Word,
    when our determination to adhere to the word
         belies the Spirit of joy and hope.
Show us, gently, humbly, lightly, softly
     how to follow,
     how to be guided into obedience
        and teach us acceptance of Your love,

            Your forgiveness and Your compassion.   Amen.

Hymn of Praise                   Blest Be the Tie That Binds                              UMH 557


Pastoral Prayer/The Lord’s Prayer                                    Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All

Recognition of and Prayer Over Veterans                             Rev. Cindy Lunsford

Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings                           Steve Hawkins instrumental

              Dedication & Offertory                                              Rev. Warren Lunsford

             Doxology                                                                             UMH 095 

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen

Centering Song:                  There Was Jesus            Steve Hawkins & Anna Bradley


Prayer of Illumination                                                                                Gary Seiler

Gracious God, as we turn to your Word for us,
      may the Spirit of God rest upon us.
Help us to be steadfast in our hearing, in our speaking,

      in our believing, and in our living. Amen.

Psalm                                  Psalm 42     UMH 777                                       Gina Elrod

Scripture                                  Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17                     Rev. Cindy Lunsford

Message                        Ministry Weavers to the World               Rev. Cindy Lunsford


Closing Hymn               God Be With You till We Meet Again                       UMH 672

Commissioning & Benediction                                                 Rev. Cindy Lunsford

Depart to Serve, caring for others, as we truly serve God

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