Worship Service November 3, 2024

Order of Service

Call to Worship                                                                   Rev. Warren Lunsford/All

Love God with all your heart;

     not with lip service words, but with wholehearted energy.

Love God with all your soul;

     not with a little corner of your soul, but with your whole being.    

Love God with all your mind;        

      not with emotion only, but with your fullest capacity for understanding.             

Love God with all your strength;

      not with what is left over at the end of the day,

            but with rested, morning vigor ready to sprint inot action.

Response to the Call               Sing With All the Saints in Glory                  UMH 702

Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction                        Rev. Warren Lunsford/All

Life of the Church                                                Rev. Warren Lunsford(see bulletin)

Mission Moment (prayer over winter coats collected)

 Opening Prayer of Confession and Assurance                Rev. Warren Lunsford/All                                                           

Our lives are full of mistakes and errors – places where we follow self-generated idols instead of the One True God. We are not alone in these mistakes – all of those who have come before us also were plagued with temptation and sin. Let us come before God, just as generations of believers have done, and pray for God’s forgiveness and grace.

Beloved God,
    who was known to our mothers and fathers,
        and even to our spiritual forebears, have mercy on us.
We do not always love as you would have us love.
We do not always do as you would have us do.

In our stubbornness,
    we turn from you when we should turn toward you.

Hold us, dear One –
    comfort us when we mourn the passing of friends and family,
        and help us to know that they are rejoicing in your presence.

We praise you for the grace you shower on us,
    constantly forgiving our errors,
        especially the ones that we don’t share with any but you.
Hear now the silent fears and worries of our hearts.

A time of silence

Friends, hear the good news! Though thousands upon thousands of our ancestors

    did not follow God’s ways perfectly, we have hope in the one who did!

Jesus, a man of a particular people in a particular time, taught through his words and     

    deeds that God has already forgiven us.

Thus, we and all who have come before us are rightly known as saints

     – the holy ones of God! Thanks be to God for God’s mercy, grace, and love! Amen!                                                                                 Written by Rev. Lucus Keppel

Hymn of Praise                   Give to the Winds Thy Fears                             UMH 129


Pastoral Prayer                                                                   Rev. Warren Lunsford/All

Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings                            Cynthia Black instrumental

              Dedication & Offertory                                              Rev. Warren Lunsford

             Doxology                                                                             UMH 095 

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

praise him, all creatures here below;

praise him above, ye heavenly host;

praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen

Centering Song:                  10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman             Steve Hawkins


Prayer of Illumination                                                        Rev. Warren Lunsford/All

God of mercy, you promised never to break your covenant with us.

Amid all the changing words of our generation,

    speak your eternal Word that does not change.

Then may we respond to your gracious promises with faithful and obedient lives;        

     through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Psalm                                  Psalm 146     UMH 858                                     Gina Elrod

Scripture                                  Mark 12:28-34                           Rev. Warren Lunsford

Message                         Blessings Given and Received              Rev. Warren Lunsford


Great Thanksgiving & Communion UMH 9-10 (Insert)  Rev. Warren Lunsford/All

Prayer After Communion:

Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery

     in which you have given yourself to us.

Grant that we may go into the world

     in the strength of your Spirit,

        to give ourselves for others,

 in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  AMEN


Closing Hymn                               God of the Ages                                       UMH 698

Commissioning & Benediction                                                 Rev. Warren Lunsford

Depart to Serve, caring for others, as we truly serve God

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