Worship Service Oct 29
22nd Sunday after Pentecost / Ordinary Time
Worship is the highest activity of a person whose sole and ultimate aim is God’s glory.
Gathering and Prelude
Call to Worship
Response to the Call: My Tribute 99
Welcome, Greeting, Service Overview
Prayer of Illumination
Worship Moment
Hymn of Faith: To God Be the Glory 98 all
Responsive Reading: Psalm 90 809
Apostles Creed: hymnal #881
Gloria Patri – hymnal #71
Offering Dedication and Offertory
Doxology – hymnal #95
Life of the Church
Centering Music: Instrumental
Prayers of the People
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16
Sermon: Can I Get a Witness
Closing Hymn: Blessed Be The Tie 557 all
Commissioning and Benediction
Prayers of the People
Pastor: O Lord, our Creator and Sustainer, you give us seasons to plant, to grow, to harvest, and to rest, and we are grateful. We give thanks for the coolness of autumn and the changes we see taking place all around us. Make us ever mindful that it is in you we live and have our being.
People: We acknowledge only you are worthy of all honor, praise and adoration. For you rescued us from the pit of this fallen world. Today, we confess our sins as we remember Christ’s atonement that brings salvation to those who believe and accept the salvation gift.
Pastor: Lord, speak to us in ways we can understand. We admit that far too often we neglect gratitude and take Your love and presence with us for granted. Forgive us, Lord. Lord keep your hand upon the church universal. Let all that we do and say be guided by your strong hand. Grant holy peace and comfort to all who are persecuted for their faith grant them your strength. Hear us now as we offer our petitions on behalf of the church and the world:
People: For all who have requested prayer, for those who are sick, grieving and fearful we pray for your holy touch that brings peace and healing. For those devastated by storms and other disasters bring restoration and hope
Pastor: We pray for America, knowing that there is discord, injustice, and spiritual sickness. Turn the heart of the people and our leaders at every level of government to seek your ways. Be with those who place themselves in danger for our wellbeing As we pray for holy revival
around the world, we pray for those ravished by the evils of wars and seek the peace that only you can bring.
People: Settle us in this moment and prepare us to hear the message you have laid upon Pastor Ray’s heart. Speak through him in ways that transform and prepare us to serve you more faithfully. We ask for your blessing upon this church. Grant Pastor Ray and Marjory your strength and wisdom in shepherding your people and hear our prayers for our church leaders as they vision for your future mission for the church with our pastors.
Pastor: We will always be thankful for your never ending blessings, healing powers and forgiveness. Hear us Lord as we pray together with the prayer that Christ gave his disciples as a model for prayer when he prayed . . . .
ALL: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen
Life of the Church
ABCCM FOOD DONATIONS: Donation Basket at Front Door. We dedicate our gifts on Communion Sundays.
Medical Lending Closet Flyers are available to distribute to friends and places that will post them.
The daily prayer chain goes out after 8pm. Send requests to prayer@alexanderchapel.org. Prayer shawls are also available. Questions? Contact Pastor Marjory.
Due to the upcoming holidays, the Ladies Loving the Lord luncheons are on hiatus until January. The Christmas Birthday Party for Jesus will be at Clark’s Chapel on Saturday, Dec 2nd.
Fellowship 4U – . Bring your lunch or snack and visit with one another on the 4th Sundays of the month. The next gathering is Nov 26.
Weaverville’s Community Thanksgiving Service will be Sunday, November 19, 6pm at the Presbyterian Church.
Reminder: If you are missing Pastor Marjory’s devotions or the evening prayer requests, check your SPAM or ALL MAIL folders to see if your email service has flagged it. If that doesn’t resolve the problem, please let us know.