Worship Service October 20, 2024
Order of Service
Gathering-Lighting the Christ Candle
Call to Worship Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Friends, today we are invited to the Table of our Lord.
Come, not because you are strong, but because you are weak.
Come, not because of any goodness of your own,
but because you need God’s mercy and help.
Come, because you love the Lord a little
and would like to love Him more.
Come, because Christ loves you and gave Himself for you.
May God bless you as we celebrate our love of Christ
and our fellowship with Christians
throughout the world and down through the ages this day.
Response to the Call Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join UMH 699
Welcome, Greeting, Service Introduction Rev. Warren LunsfordAll
Life of the Church Rev. Cindy Lunsford(see bulletin)
Mission Moment
Opening Prayer of Confession and Assurance Rev. Warren Lunsford /All
The Life you give us in Christ is so very real, God.
Who are we to receive such goodness?
Yes, we have come to church today, but we confess
that we have not been all that faithful throughout the past week.
There were moments when we acted in love.
But more often our actions were powered by other motives.
Forgive us. Help us to forgive ourselves.
We did remember you upon occasion,
but too easily we forgot you amid the daily grind.
Forgive us. Help us to live in you.
Every now and then an “Amen” did come out of us in word or action.
But like the father who came to Jesus with his dying son,
we more often cried out: “I believe; help my unbelief!”
Forgive us. Empower us with your Spirit.
Time of Silent Confession
Who are we to profess the life you freely give?
Thank you, Father God, for your forgiveness.
Who are we to claim your daily goodness?
Thank you, Christ Jesus, for your Life.
Who are we to receive your healing presence?….
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your power.
We open ourselves to you, anew … today.
Live now in us, we pray. In Jesus name. Amen.
Hymn of Praise Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty UMH 064
Pastoral Prayer Rev. Cindy Lunsford/All
Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings Cynthia Black instrumental
Dedication & Offertory Rev. Warren Lunsford
Doxology UMH 095
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
Centering Song: Communion by Third Day Anna Bradley
Prayer of Illumination Rev. Warren Lunsford/All
Holy God, Word made flesh,
let us come to this word open to being surprised.
Silence our agendas; banish our assumptions;
cast out our casual detachment.
Confound our expectations; clear the cobwebs from our ears;
penetrate the corners of our hearts with this word.
We know that you can, we pray that you will,
and we wait with great anticipation. Amen.
Responsive Psalm 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Gina Elrod
Scripture Luke 17:1-10 Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Message Faith Economics Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Great Thanksgiving & Communion UMH 9-10 (Insert) Rev. Warren Lunsford/All
Prayer After Communion:
Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery
in which you have given yourself to us.
Grant that we may go into the world
in the strength of your Spirit,
to give ourselves for others,
in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN
Closing Hymn Sent Forth by God’s Blessing UMH 664
Commissioning & Benediction Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Depart to Serve, caring for others, as we truly serve God